External AuthenticationΒΆ

It is possible to use Python-Redmine as a provider for external authentication based on the Redmine user database, e.g. imagine you are making a website and you want to only authenticate your users if they provide the same login/password they use to login to Redmine:

username = 'john'    # username comes from the POST request on form submit
password = 'qwerty'  # password comes from the POST request on form submit

user = Redmine('https://redmine.url', username=username, password=password).auth()

If authentication succeeded, user variable will contain details about the current user, if there was an error during authentication process, an AuthError exception will be thrown.

If you need more control, for example you want to return your own error message, you can intercept AuthError exception and do what you need, for example:

from redminelib.exceptions import AuthError

username = 'john'    # username comes from the POST request on form submit
password = 'qwerty'  # password comes from the POST request on form submit

    user = Redmine('https://redmine.url', username=username, password=password).auth()
except AuthError:
    raise Exception('Invalid login or password provided')